
Broadwood Primary School is committed to Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all pupils, staff and the wider school community. Everyone working in our school shares our objectives to help keep children and young people safe. We strive to provide a safe and secure environment for children and young people to learn and develop. We also identify children who are suffering, or likely to suffer significant harm, taking appropriate action, with the aim of making sure they are kept safe both at home and in school.

We promote experiences which teach the children how to keep themselves safe in a range of situations. Our P.S.H.C.E. curriculum promotes opportunities to develop the children's skills, knowledge and understanding of dealing with different situations both inside and outside of school. We ensure that pupils are made aware of behaviour towards them that is not acceptable and they each have an adult mentor who they can turn to if they need advice or support. Staff are fully trained in safeguarding issues annually.

The Deputy Headteacher is our Designated Safeguarding Lead Teacher and all staff are provided with training and are aware of procedures which should be followed if they have concerns about a child.

We have an E-safety policy, which has been shared with all staff.  Parents and carers have access to this through our website.  We also encourage all children and parents/carers to sign our e-safety agreement, which has details of how to keep safe online and the actions which should be taken if children or parents, feel unsafe.  Children from Reception to Year 6 are taught about internet safety. We also run e-safety session for parents and carers.

We have strict measures in place to ensure our school is a safe and happy place for all of our children. We take all types of bullying very seriously and when bullying incidents do occur, which is rare, they are dealt with quickly and effectively.

Broadwood Road, Denton Burn, Tyne and Wear, NE15 7TB 0191 2741684

Policies and Accessibility Statement © Broadwood Primary School. All rights reserved. 2025