Values and Vision

Our Unique School - Your Unique Child


We feel extremely fortunate to serve a diverse community of different Nationalities, Cultural Backgrounds, Religions and Needs.  

Our school is extremely welcoming and nurturing, which is achieved through a strong, united staff team who work together to ensure all children, no matter  their barriers or challenges, to be the very best they can be.

We are host to a Hearing-Impaired provision, and we are currently raising the profile of 'signing' within school so that we can all communicate and leave Broadwood having gained additional skills. 

In 2020, we fully embraced the opportunity to hire part of our building to a local autistic school and we now have their Early Years autistic unit on site, which is wonderful!

At Broadwood, every child is unique, and every family situation is unique. It is important to us that we fully understand and embrace these differences so that we can ensure every child is provided with the best education whilst learning from each other.


School Values


Our school values underpin our curriculum and are threaded through everything that we do. We believe children should be respectful, honest, and strive for excellence at all times.

We want children to feel a sense of belonging, happiness and have aspirations for themselves and others. It is therefore important children have role models who demonstrate these behaviours and values on a daily basis and consistently have high expectations of all children.

We also take the time to teach the wider meaning of British Values too. 


       Vision and Ethos

VALUE  - We strive to ensure every member of our school community is welcomed and valued. There is no hierarchical approach and every member of staff has equal voice. Through having an environment of acceptance and individuality, we enable our school community (governors, families and children) to feel valued and heard.


CELEBRATE  - We celebrate talents and achievements, providing many opportunities to recognise the achievements of our whole school community. To raise confidence and ensure everybody feels valued, we celebrate very small achievements too. Often a small achievement to one person might be a huge achievement to another!


EQUIP - It is important to us that we equip our whole school community with the essential skills, knowledge and understanding needed to enable children to be fully prepared for their journey into secondary education, providing a smooth transition. We strive for every child to achieve highly and become successful citizens and develop a lifelong love of learning. 


EMPOWER - We strive to empower our entire school community to have self-belief, confidence, independence and resilience. We provide an environment that is conducive for everyone to develop these skills.


INSPIRE - We strive to ensure our children feel inspired and impact positively on each other. We want children to have high aspirations, be articulate and be fantastic, positive role models.  We have a wonderful team of staff and belong to a fantastic wider community who inspire our children in so many ways.


We will never give up on any of our children! We want every child to be the very best they can possibly be, and we will always go the extra mile to support them to achieve this

Broadwood Road, Denton Burn, Tyne and Wear, NE15 7TB 0191 2741684

Policies and Accessibility Statement © Broadwood Primary School. All rights reserved. 2025