Our Vision for our SEN children

Our Vision for our SEN children

Here at Broadwood Primary, we believe in an inclusive education for all and every child is at the centre of everything we do. It is important to us that children are happy and enjoy themselves whilst they are in school. Every child’s individual learning styles should be respected and they should have high but attainable targets, enabling them to achieve their true potential. Every child should be given an appropriate level of support but at the same time be encouraged to become independent learners. There should be regular, positive and valuable communication between staff and parents to support the child further on their learning journey.

To enable children to achieve their true potential, the staff are given regular whole school and individual training, to be able to meet the individual needs of children within their class. There are specific groups which provide additional support in bespoke areas of need; for example - handwriting, reading, numeracy and well-being groups.

There are also interventions which are specifically tailored to individuals; occupational therapy programmes and speech and language programmes. For some children, we also offer programmes that are run by outside professionals such as Sensational and Kalmer Councilling.

Parents are invited in for regular meetings and there is an open door policy to both the class teacher and SENDCO at other times. The SENDCO also regularly attends network meetings run by the local authority and SENDCO WEST Trust meetings to share best practice and work with other SENDCOs in the trust.

 Mrs Rachel Dangerfield is the SENDCo in our school.

Broadwood Road, Denton Burn, Tyne and Wear, NE15 7TB 0191 2741684 office@broadwoodprimary.co.uk

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