Individual Subject Statements

Careful consideration has been given to our curriculum as we fully understand we have only one chance to get it right for the children and families we serve.

We offer a broad and balanced curriculum that has been mapped out sequentially, enabling children to build on prior learning and make connections between concepts, skills and knowledge.

Our curriculum is inclusive, ensuring we meet individual children’s needs whilst also promoting an empathic culture. Within lessons, assessments inform teaching staff of next steps of learning.

Reading is at the heart of our curriculum as we appreciate the successes that can be gained from being a fluent and avid reader.

Opportunities for practising and securing basic skills across key subject areas are embedded and it is an expectation that these skills are applied and developed.

Oracy is given high priority within our curriculum as it is essential for many of our children to accelerate in this area and leave our school having the necessary skills to be articulate, express themselves and have a secure knowledge and understanding of the National Curriculum expectations and beyond.

Children will have a wealth of opportunities to develop skills, knowledge and understanding beyond the classroom. We want to provide our children with a range of experiences which excites, engages and deepens their learning.

We absolutely value Personal, Social, Health and Economics as an isolated subject and also recognise the need to root PSHE within our full curriculum offer. We are relentless in our drive to ensure children make the right choices, be resilient and proud of their achievements.  It is important to us that we champion all of our children so that they can flourish, be positive, safe, happy and successful citizens of society. 

Please take a look at our individual subjects below to see how we have considered how our key drivers may look within each subject area. We believe if we keep our expectations high and continue to teach the skills of Reading, Oracy and PSHE across our curriculum, then children will achieve greater outcomes and have much better life chances.



Broadwood Road, Denton Burn, Tyne and Wear, NE15 7TB 0191 2741684

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