Whole School Litter Pick

Whole School Litter Pick 
As part of the 'Great British Spring Clean' and our work towards becoming an 'Eco School' all the children in school took part in a litter pick. Every class had the opportunity to use the litter picks and do their bit in looking after our local environment and local community. The children managed to collect 3 wheelie bins full of rubbish!
The children at Broadwood also considered the impact that litter has on animals and their habitats. Newcastle City Council also held a whole school assembly on 'recycling'. We learnt all about the different items you are able to recycle and how glass and paper are recycled. 
We are now writing letters to our local councillor to see if the rubbish bins could be moved so more people are encouraged to use them and to help keep our school, community and the environment litter free! 

Broadwood Road, Denton Burn, Tyne and Wear, NE15 7TB 0191 2741684 office@broadwoodprimary.co.uk

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